The KACST ACM SIGCHI Chapter was chartered in Spring 2017. Chapter participation provides a unique combination of social interaction and professional dialogue among peers, in our geographic area. Chapter members' backgrounds represent all facets of computing, from academia, research, business and industry.
Chapter Founding Members
The KACST ACM SIGCHI Chapter Officers are Areej Al-Wabil (Chair), Arwa Alabdulkarim (Vice-Chair), Dr. Khalid Majrashi (Membership Chair), Naelah Alaqeel (Treasurer), Dr. Shiroq Al-Megren (Web Officer).
Founding members: Dr. Abir Benabid, Noura Alomar, Arwa Alamoudi, Alaa Alhumaisan, Mashael Aldayel, Jumana Almahmoud, Aljohara Alfayez, Najat Alrashed, Rawan Al-Aloula, Abeer Alnafjan, Ashwag Alasmari, Asma Aljuhani, Shirouq Alsinan,
Join Us!
Membership is open to anyone interested in HCI or working in the field. Our KACST ACM SIGCHI Chapter is a collection of people that are associated with SIGCHI who share a common location in the Riyadh region. Chapters are groups of people, who, by banding together, can speak with a common voice within SIGCHI; can more effectively organize the activities that are of interest to them; and can obtain services that support their activities.
Activities and Events
#HCI_Seminar_Series, Webinars, Workshops, Meetups, Summer Schools, and more. Our events are posted on the SIGHCI Chapters' calendar: ACM SIGCHI Local Chapter Events.
Events in 2017-2020
Reflections on CHI on May 25, 2017
Insights from Participating in Conferences on October 29, 2017
TinkerCAD and 3D Printing on May 31, 2017
Rapid Prototyping and Laser Cutting @TekSpacy on June 18, 2017
Prototyping and 3D Printers - Workshop for Summer Camp on Sep 12, 2017
Prototyping and Arduino Workshop at PSU on Dec 7, 2017
Sketching with Arduino at KSU on December 10, 2017
Sketching with Arduino at SheWorks on Dec 16, 2017
Tangible Interaction on May 31, 2017
Cultural Probes on Oct 31, 2017
IBM Meetup for Women in Tech on May 24, 2017
Poster Day at the Ithraa Summer Camp on Sep 14, 2017